Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Question 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In the production of my poster, magazine cover and teaser trailer me and my partner made separate pieces of ancillary texts. However, we decided it would be good to keep the a similar style. We thought this be a good idea as although it was separate work it is important the audience knows it is the same film. By choosing the romantic theme it is very important that this genre was witnessed throughout the work created at a consistent level. By analysing posters and magazine covers it was clear that they were kept very simplistic but yet exceedingly eye catching. Also they clearly showed the genre of the film they are showing. We decided that it is vital to do this in the creation of our work.
n the creation of our magazine covers and posters we both used different photographs. However, it is clear that they were made by the same production team. In my poster and magazine cover I went for two completely different ideas. However ‘remember’ is constantly similar across all my work enabling the audience to recall past information they may have gathered by looking at other ancillary texts. For my magazine cover similar clothes were worn to the trailer. This is to make the audience understand the styles of our characters and maybe be able to link their lives with the characters. This boosts the ancillary effects throughout all the work created.
The style of romance we tried to portray by using certain colours we believe successfully created the romantic vibe we set out to get. The colours typically used throughout our work were white and blue. These colours are seen as ‘romantic colours’. The use of the colour white often is seen to represent peace. So this would benefit us in the creation of our trailer.
Finally in the production of our ancillary texts and main production, we decided to create a company production name 'Drone productions' this is included in both the main productions and ancillary texts enabling the readers to recognise the production label, they may remember the logo or production name for future reference, as our target audience members are seen to be relatively interested in new and upcoming ideas, leading it to be seen as 'fashion', therefore heightening the effectiveness of both our main product and ancillary texts.

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